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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Physics: Pakistani recognised for presentation on Frobenius method

PhD Candidate Amna Noreen giving her presentation at the 2012 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering. PHOTO: NTNU.EDU
Amna Noreen, a PhD candidate at the Section for Theoretical Physics, in Norwegian University of Science and Technology, was one of the two students awarded a certificate of merit for a presentation on coefficients of Frobenius series at the 2012 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering.
The International Association of Engineers organises the best paper award and best student paper award for each WCECS conference. The candidate papers are judged on originality, significance, correctness, and clarity.
An abstract provided for Noreen’s presentation read:
The Frobenius method can be used to represent solutions of ordinary differential equations by (generalised) power series. It is useful to have prior knowledge of the coefficients of this series. In this contribution we demonstrate that the magnitude of the coefficients can be predicted to surprisingly high accuracy by a Legendre transformation of WKB approximated solutions to the differential equations

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